blackburn 2
arsenal 1
slightly predictable.
more like end with a whimper. i always like to think my boys try their hardest in every game and i can't ask anything more than that. however monday i couldn't help but feel that we didn't exactly put 1OO% into the game. except from the first quarter of an hour, we seemed lack lustre and tired; even after a nine day break. it wasn't exactly a lazy approach to the game that made me think this. i thought it because many parts of monday's game were sloppy and we made alot of careless errors.
we've been out of the title race for several weeks now but i wanted to have the best possible ending to a season, which overall has been better than the previous one! to make sure of third place, we needed points and we couldn't afford to throw them monday was a perfect opportunity to show that we're not a bunch of 'nearly' players, that in fact we're champions in the making. opportunity wasted.
arsene wenger told the press that he thought that in the scoring of both goals, the keeper was fouled. i can see what he means but honestly, we shouldn't have excuses prepared. for both goals fabiankski looked, frankly a liability but also, the players in the team around him weren't looking too clever.
my team put in so much hard work in training everyday and during matches; i just want them to be rewarded for all their efforts. to me, trophies aren't the most important thing but these players deserve some praise. after all, we get slated week in, week out. win, lose or draw.
last game on sunday,
last game of season O9-1O. it's been a pretty okay season for me on a personal level.
you heard it here first guys.
the boys who make life worth living ♥