me, like 72,OOO made our way to wembley yesterday with heavy, yet hopeful hearts. a shocking world cup (when you think of what could have been) but we still turned up to support the team. well nearly everyone turned for that reason. i refuse to spend time writing about those people. i understand why they do it but at the end of the day, who's it going to help? boos don't encourage players, cheers and support do that. however stupid they may or may not be, the players themselves know the world cup was poor and people sitting their seats booing, won't make them realise this anymore.
yesterday for me proved that england fans are the best in the world, for 44 years, we've come barely come to close to winning anything but we still turn up to the games and sing our hearts out for the cause.
i was really worried about the game on the way there. i'd heard reports of only 2O-3O,OOO turning up. but luckily when i stepped off the crowded tube, i was met with the most beautiful sight in football. a jam-packed wembley way, a sea of red and white with the sound of singing and the occasional vuvuzela. i knew then that it was worth spending all this money for a friendly but as jermaine defoe said, 'there's no such thing as a friendly in international football'

so i was sat in my seat, i was calm for the first time all night and waited for the match to start. the players came out and there was alot of shouting and cheering. the national anthems were sung and then the teams were read out:
joe hart, then glen johnson. no boos at all. then ashley cole, a few boos but his private life could be the reason for that. steven gerrard and jagielka both received cheers but then john terry's name was read out and the boos rang around wembley. i couldn't understand why. this is our former captain, yes he had a bad world cup but on the england team, who didn't? i'm still struggling to understand why all the hate is directed at him when others had a bad world cup too. all the other england players faired okay with the crowd, apart from a few jeers for rooney.
the referee blew the whistle and the game started, finally we could our talking on the pitch...
but half time came. still O-O and england were booed off. i kind of wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. i was embarassed for the manager and for the players. i was almost praying "please let the second half be better"
and it was, thank god!
going one nil down was terrible, especially to a goal that shouldn't have been allowed. i was pretty sure that it hadn't crossed the line sitting right behind thr goal but i checked when i got home and sure enough, the goal had not crossed the line. just proof why goal-line technology is a must.
but two goals from steven gerrard, who had played excellently. a real captain's performance. he's often accused of not putting any effort in for england but last night, that statement could not have been more wrong.
the players who made their debuts all looked comfortable playing for the england senior team. also, joe hart looked reliable, something that we couldn't call some england keepers in the past!
so not an amazing result but a win is a win. and we can't complain can we? but there will be many that i will i'm sure!
heads up, keep the faith and remember there's light at the end of the tunnel.♥