Monday 21 November 2011

are footballers out of control?

a short rambling for media coursework

Gone are the days when our sporting icons were only mentioned on the back pages of a newspaper. Their scandalous private lives dominate the media but are we still intrigued by such goings on? Have we become disillusioned with these overpaid louts?
The English Premier League is full of quality players – many of whom are internationals and have represented club/country on the world stage but is football still the priority to these superstars? Members of our own national team cannot seem to escape the prying eyes of tabloid journalists and photographers, although it can be argued that frequently they do not even bother to hide their actions. Excessive drinking before a game, tales of adultery and sometimes the just plain bizarre incidents – an England left back with a rifle at his Surrey training ground springs to mind.

No one could begrudge them a night out after an important victory, many wouldn’t expect them to be tucked up in bed by half past nine but believe it or not, these men have responsibilities and are seen as role models by many of the younger generation – a couple of pints doesn’t need to turn into an all night drinking bender, exiting the nightclub at four in the morning with your trousers around your ankles.

Despite earning over a hundred thousand pounds a week and living the life many of us dream of; our heroes just can’ seem to stay out of trouble. Fans are now starting to resent certain footballers and their attitude to the beautiful game: these are the people who spend thousands of pounds following their team, usually with little reward. Yet they receive no thanks from the club or the players, in fact sometimes their loyalty is thrown back in their faces - players claiming they need a ‘fresh start’, when we can all see the dollar signs in their eyes.

We will never fall out of love with our national game but watch the divide between players and fans grow even more – who can now relate to our top footballers? Call it an old fashioned opinion but footballers should only be on the back pages, not the front.